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Banned Again – Tristan Finn Becomes An ‘Unperson’ On Reddit

I was thinking of Alcibiades in the morning. He lived in Ancient Greece and was popular in Athens until he wasn’t. He was voted out of town via a popular vote held yearly to expel people from the body politic.

I was happily posting a video of someone playing with dolls that is very popular on Youtube and I watched with a little one. I wanted to post the short video on r/TelevisionKidShows subreddit that I had set up to vent my opinions of some of the shows I had watched while around children. I’d love to share happy views about ‘Sara and Duck’ or ‘Pepa Pig’ or, irritation at some other shows I had to sit through.

But, when I went to post the video the subreddit was locked, or restricted, or something. I typed in the user name I had for a separate account I used with my laptop in my bedroom while my main account was on a desktop in my kitchen. Near the coffee and food.

But, Tristan Finn did not exist. What? I went into the bedroom and logged into the laptop and Reddit. A fairly popular r/HarpiesBizarre with news and views about women was still in existence, and getting more popular. But, about four other subreddits where gone. One about model trains, how had that offended: one about r/AnythinggoePictures, perhaps I put a photo on, but… I don’t think so.

Maybe the r/HarpiesBizarre survived because I started to use an ‘auto-moderator’ function. When Tristan Finn was banned the auto-mod took over. Replaced by a robot.

I did get a notice that I was banned from some subreddit I could hardly remember posting to. Maybe the moderator of that obscure subreddit visited there abandoned thread and didn’t like a post I made. They might have complained to the administrators of Reddit, or a computer algorithmic complaint form that just banned me. I hadn’t posted using that account or the laptop for about a month or two.

Liberals are on the warpath against ‘wrongthink’ and thought crimes, or word crimes from me – with pictures.

I started paying more for this WordPress blog so I could post more pictures and text and long videos. I don’t worry about censorship. Yet.

Since I have put leaflets for leftist meetings on telephone poles and bulletin boards and stood at the subway station with socialist newspapers I know that there are many telephone poles, and lots of subway stations, and that ideas can be put on paper and spread hand to hand. There are many outlets.

I can also come up with many personalities. I have read lots of books and heard many stories with heroes and villains and freedom lovers and the enemies of freedom.

So, on to the next telephone pole… or virtual telephone pole and high definition subway station.

Like connecting electricity…

4 thoughts on “Banned Again – Tristan Finn Becomes An ‘Unperson’ On Reddit

  1. Xenagogue Vicene is an artist known for their eclectic and imaginative creations. Their work spans various styles and themes, from intricate digital illustrations to whimsical character designs. They often infuse their art with a touch of fantasy, capturing the essence of magical worlds and mythical creatures. If you’re curious, I recommend exploring their DeviantArt profile to see the full range of their artistic expression!

  2. Supporting Xenagogue Vicene’s work is a wonderful way to appreciate their creativity! Here are a few ways you can show your support:

    1. Follow on Social Media: Connect with them on platforms like DeviantArt, where they share their art. Liking, commenting, and sharing their work can boost their visibility.
    2. Purchase Art: If they offer prints, originals, or merchandise, consider buying something that resonates with you. It directly supports their artistic endeavors.
    3. Commission Art: If you have a specific idea or character you’d like them to create, consider commissioning a piece. It’s a personalized way to support their talent.
    4. Spread the Word: Share their art with friends, family, and fellow art enthusiasts. Word of mouth can make a big difference!

    Remember, artists thrive on encouragement and recognition. Your support can make a meaningful impact!

  3. What political ideas does Xenagogue Vicene express?


    Xenagogue Vicene primarily focuses on artistic expression rather than explicit political ideas. Their work tends to explore fantasy, whimsy, and intricate details, rather than conveying specific political messages. If you’re interested in their art, I recommend checking out their DeviantArt profile for a deeper look into their creative world!

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