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China in the Year of the Dragon and Beyond – by Richard Solomon – 2 April 2024

• 2,600 WORDS • 

As the US Anglo-Zionist empire ramps up its war against China, an ancient archetype makes its cyclical appearance to offer guidance through “interesting times.” As per a brief Google search, the “Year of the Dragon” represents power, nobility, luck, and success. Up until now, China has demonstrated incredible humility and restraint in response to the outrageous insults and provocations of the US neocon government. Goodbye “Year of the Rabbit,” time for China to “show its pimp hand.”* (*Am. slang- display one’s power.)

First, warmest Year of the Dragon wishes to Emperor President Xi- Earthly Representative of the Tao, Monarch Butterfly Princess Meng Wanzhou, and the people of China.

Second, some readers might accuse me of betraying my “country” by siding with China. Nonsense. The US republic and its Constitution no longer exist. Both were subsumed by the US Anglo-Zionist Empire, a confederation of financial cartels, multinational corporations, oligarchs, the Military Industrial Complex, the Deep State, and the Zionist Lobby. Like all end-stage pathologically corrupt empires, reform is a lunatic’s dream. The best hope for its subjects is to avoid drowning in the sinking behemoth’s vortex. Perhaps the weary survivors who find space on lifeboats or cling to floating wreckage can regroup to form a beautiful ideological-ethno state republic that embraces win-win cooperation as primary global influencer China torchlights humanity’s path to Star Trek Kardashev Level II Civilization.

China’s position has always been- “don’t start none, won’t be none.”* (*A self-defense postulate that advocates conflict avoidance yet acknowledges the right to hit back when attacked). Based on the actions of the US and its vassals, China needs to prepare for continued escalations of aggression. To take creative license with a Socrates attributed saying- “Know thy enemy.”

The Anglo-Zionist war trident contains three sharp points- “extreme war,” “conventional war,” and “economic war.” Sometimes the trident’s prong applications overlap and merge. An example of an overlap-merge application is cyberwarfare.

“Extreme war” primarily entails nuclear and biological warfare. It is extreme because its applications hold the potential to spread beyond the battlefield to take down human civilization.

America uses nuclear weapons as a threat deterrent. In this case, “threat” is a relative term. The US dollar should not say, “In God We Trust,” but rather “In Nukes We Trust,” because its nuclear and military arsenal keep the dollar afloat via dollar hegemony enforcement. As the insanity and idiocy associated with dying empire intensifies and the dollar slips, expect dangerous acts of desperation, e.g. use of tactical battlefield mini-nukes, biological weapon attacks.

As to the US nuclear threat, from my viewpoint, the correct deterrent for China is what I call the “skin in the game”* approach.” (*when the policies or actions of an individual or entity expose them to the same risk or loss as everyone else). The West’s 1% and rootless .01% ruling classes are parasitic leeches and more importantly, cowards. While they may condemn millions or billions to death with little regard, they will do anything to cling to their wretched earthly existences. Chinese intelligence must locate all their bunkers and underground cities and make it known that in the event of nuclear war, China will relentlessly and repeatedly strike their high strata-class rat holes with the strongest bunker-busting nukes available.

With biological war, while an appropriate response is warranted, unless it comes down to a case of revenge killing your enemy before dying, I advise against biological tit-for-tat. Biological weapons can mutate and go global. Barring accidental or insane rogue scientist release, the US is limited in the lethality of its bio-attacks, as super-powerful pathogens could easily turn on their creators. If Chinese intelligence confirms that COVID-19 was a bio-attack, which I suspect it has, then China should publically announce its findings. It’s the “Year of the Dragon.” Expose the motherfuckers.* (*Someone who copulates with their mother or a generic term for a person(s). In this case, both meanings could apply.)

I won’t dwell on “conventional war” strategy because China wins.

Regarding “economic war.” Wall Street outsourced US manufacturing to China to turn America into a usury-based F.I.R.E. (finance, insurance, real estate) economy that sells debt, with the expectation that China would buy that debt and let Wall Street insiders manage China’s economy. This economic model was known as “Chimerica.” While China initially benefited from the arrangement, it rejected the part where a rootless Wall Street class takes over China’s 5000-year-old civilization after they suck the US drier than a mummy’s 陰戶.

US economic numbers are built on fraud. The wildly inflated $65,000 hospital emergency room bill counts toward American GDP. The US stock market stays afloat through Federal Reserve intravenous feeding, stock buybacks, and other forms of corporate welfare and chicanery. Military Industrial Complex profits rely on the captive printing press treasuries of the US and its vassals. It’s a giant scam bubble waiting for the inevitable pin. BRICS is a good start to withstanding the “pop” and also offers an alternative to US economic bullying, debt slavery, and asset seizure. Although, from my viewpoint, China’s best defense is autarky that coexists with global trade.

China’s BRI is a mind-blowing accomplishment. However, as any sandcastle can attest, it’s easier to destroy than create. America’s pretty good at kicking down sandcastles.

The CIA stymied Germany’s energy flow with the destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. If the homemade missiles of Houthi freedom fighters can disrupt a major shipping route, imagine what the subs and destroyers of the US or its vassals can achieve. Global infrastructure projects are susceptible to sabotage or attack from CIA-funded terrorist groups. In the event of a major trade shutdown, China must be able to provide all life requirements to its population. I believe it can do that. The weak link is energy. China’s Artificial Sun cold fusion reactor offers a possible solution. I recommend China invest the same ratio of manpower, money, and brain-battery into cold fusion reactors as the US put into its WW2 Manhattan Project. Post-US Empire collapse, Chinese space tankers can fill their hulls from the liquid methane sea of Titan, Saturn’s moon. The current Petroleum Civilization model is unsustainable and is destroying the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.

Just like China transformed Marxist economics into “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” when the right time comes, I recommend the same evolutionary approach toward globalization. From an energy conservation standpoint, it is illogical for a nation to grow a bunch of carrots for a cost of one dollar and then ship them around the world to buy back the same carrots for three dollars. Or export the carrots only to buy another country’s carrots. While globalization has profited China, at some point it will create negative blowback if the system’s internal defects are not addressed and corrected. Nigeria can produce its own food and textiles. What it cannot do, at least at this juncture, is build a high-speed rail system. Neither can the US.

For decades Hollywood (US cinema/music) conquered the world’s hearts and minds. To quote George Orwell- “All art is propaganda.” One reason the American Empire is dying is because Hollywood can no longer make good movies. They can’t sell the dream. China needs to fill that entertainment void. The shortcut path is simple replication of the movies/music currently mass-produced by Western entertainment corporations using AI/machine learning programs. The longer, but from my viewpoint, more fruitful path, is for China to set up an institute to study American (and Western) cultural entertainment (cinema, music, novels) from the years 1945-1999. While the institute’s technicians will wade through much detritus, they’ll also discover gems that can birth beautiful children.

Outside of religious conflict, spirituality is seldom discussed in the geopolitical arena. Mistake. During the Cold War, the Rothschild-Rockefeller bank cartel set up a system whereby a nationalist revolutionary leader had to choose either colonialist resource-theft capitalism or atheistic materialistic* Marxism. (*materialism not as in capitalist hyper-consumerism, but rather the Marxist belief that humans are biological machines devoid of divine spark, and can be programmed and managed in a purely mechanical capacity). The opposing capitalist and Marxist programs worked as balancing forces within the context of international finance’s world domination program, maintaining the status quo of banker rule. Chairman Mao chose Marxism, which history shows was the correct choice. If he had chosen colonialist resource theft capitalism, an independent Chinese nation-state would not exist today.

Once China broke the chains of Western imperialism it was free to chart its own course, and subsequently transformed Marxism into “socialism with Chinese characteristics” by filtering out the negative elements of Marxism while incorporating pragmatic aspects of capitalism. The atheistic component of Marxism put it at odds with China’s ancient spiritual technologies- Taoism, Buddhism, luck attraction, Chi theory, etc. STEM disciplines answer many things, but can’t sufficiently respond to: “What is this?” and “What is beyond this?” During the CPC’s atheist phase, some spiritual seekers became estranged from the government and that dissatisfaction was capitalized on by the CIA who partnered with disenfranchised religious groups for nefarious purposes. I believe the rift between China and most of these religious groups is repairable. Rapprochement would deal a painful blow to Western intelligence agencies. Better to convert an enemy than fight him.

Just like China transmogrified economic theory, I believe it can do the same thing with spiritual theory. Working in win-win cooperation with spiritual organizations from around the world, I envision China spearheading the development of spiritual technology compatible with Kardashev Level II Civilization. In the yin-yang circle, the science and spirituality compartments coexist in harmonious balance. May the Tao be with you.

In keeping with the Year of the Dragon, I need to address the unbearable arrest and detention of Monarch Butterfly Princess and Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. So what if Huawei did business with Iran? Why does the US get to dictate who a sovereign Chinese company transacts with? This US-Canadian false-arrest action insulted not just Meng Wanzhou, but the entire Chinese nation. Either the perpetrators issue a full apology or when the light turns green, don’t stop until it’s red.

Do you think the sociopathic and blackmailed Western CEO actors propped up by international bankers and managed by Deep State technocrats will ever speak on behalf of the frog, dolphin, and owl? Huawei with Meng Wanzhou’s influence holds the potential to build the blueprint for the technological-ecological harmonization advocated by scientist Buckminster Fuller in his book, “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth.”

Wait a minute. Are you in love with her? Do you plan on showing up at Princess Wanzhou’s door with a bouquet of pretty flowers? Ha ha ha. Pathetic clown. She doesn’t know you exist. I’m actually embarrassed for you.

Hold on. Confession time friend. I’m a pathetic clown too. Is it so terrible to close one’s eyes for a moment to imagine what can never be?

As seen with the Moscow concert hall attack and CIA disruption operations in Maidan-Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang- Western intelligence agencies love terrorism and color revolution. While China avoids terror-targeting civilians (a wise policy) and interfering in the domestic affairs of other nations (perhaps some revision), each provocation must receive the appropriate response. No more humiliation.

It stands to reason that CIA-Mossad will repeat a 9/11-style false flag to push the US public into anti-China war mode. China’s public relations and media teams must be ready to offer swift denial. On a global level, this will prove effective. However, due to hyper-capitalist irrational racism components in America’s founding and the universal mob-think outlined in Gustave Le Bon’s “Psychology of Crowds,” in a post-false flag environment, US Chinese ethnics (and mistaken identity Asians) would be at risk. During WW2 the US government threw US Japanese ethnics into concentration camps while the greedy mob grabbed their assets for pennies on the dollar. To address this possibility, I recommend China build an underground railroad* (US antebellum secret networks that helped Black slaves escape North) or assist in the creation of a warrior-monk based “Monarch Butterfly Princess Holy Order of the Tao.”

What of Taiwan? It’s the “Year of the Dragon.” Go as far as you can go China. Perhaps all the way.

And now a word for Dragon-skeptics.

Some claim that China is already under the control of the Rothschild-Rockefeller bank cartel (or planet owners) and East vs West is WEF kabuki theater. I disagree for the following reasons:

1- Techno-feudalism requires not only the cultural destruction of its subjects, but also their genetic alteration/destruction. All human DNA is considered the property of the owners and can therefore be used as a resource commodity and control mechanism. Under WEF protocol, China’s leaders would have to be willing to destroy their people’s 5000-year-old culture and DNA. I don’t see that happening. While some of China’s technological innovations play into state security (legit action, given CIA history), the tech is primarily used to improve the lives of China’s citizens- the exact opposite of US policy.

2- In its 5000-year history, China never pursued a policy of military invasion or conquest outside of its security/territorial sphere. China built a wall to keep the barbarians out.

3- China’s engagement with foreign nations is of a transactional nature. Unlike the West, they’ve never displayed a proclivity for stealing the DNA, culture, politics, assets, bodies, or souls of the people they do business with.

4- During the COVID-19 pandemic, China offered its citizens traditional vaccines. Although certain CPC officials (they always reveal themselves) pushed for Pfizer mRNA shipments and domestic mRNA vax production, the CPC as a whole rejected the mRNA pressure tactics of the US political class. While you may feel the CPC overreacted with the lockdowns, keep in mind that they faced an unprecedented bio-attack. For future occurrences, I recommend zinc, vitamin C & D, and the 5000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine cabinet.

5- For those who believe this is all a perfectly choreographed show, what harm is there in supporting China? NWO is already a fait accompli. If that’s the case, kick back with a bottle of Patrón and Mossberg 12 gauge, and wait for the AI killer drones to arrive.

From my viewpoint, China remains the primary bulwark against the US Anglo-Zionist Empire aggressors and their global financial mafia handlers. Given the terrible power of the international bankers, Emperor President Xi must juggle a complex mishmash of neutrals, allies, and adversaries to navigate China to victory, which by extension means human species survival. Based on my observation, he has upheld the basic tenets of Tao. Until I see evidence to the contrary, like Petula Clark sang in her version- “I will follow him.”

I look forward to watching China’s evolutionary path to national-actualization. As per Oswald Spengler, the “West” is done. Western genius took the world from horse and wagon to modern industrial society. While many amazing creations came from that, so did much suffering and death. If Western philosophy incorporates the principles of karmic law to form yin-yang balance and Europe joins China and Russia in a true Eurasian bloc, I believe Western rejuvenation and positive reintegration into the global family remain possible.

Prepare for takeoff China. Like Far East Movement said, “Now I’m feeling so fly. Like a G6.”

Fly Dragon, fly.



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